Saturday, October 15, 2022

Fix Your Wordpress CSS Issue


Please discuss the issues before placing an order!...

Having CSS Issue? Need a wordpress professional to quickly fix it!. Order now to quickly fix your CSS issue. I have almost 6 year experience of wordpress and CSS. Have developed 4 wordpress themes and a wordpress plugin. Please contact me before ordering a GIG!


- WP-Admin Admin access

- In some cases I will need FTP/CPanel access


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Friday, October 14, 2022

Develop A Professional Wordpress Website On Genesis Framework


If you’re looking for a fully functional all device compatible, WordPress website that meets the needs of the ever changing world wide web, then look no further!

Note:Please do message before order.


Here’s a breakdown of the creation process:

1-  Build your website using your given theme or custom design ($)

2-  Install any plugin required

3-  Add in original content (must be provided)

4-  Customize website to your needs

What i offer to you.

1)Updating or installing a new WordPress theme.

2)Migrating your WordPress website to another server.

3)Updating the domain associated with your WP install.

4)Installing new plugins or adding new features to your site.

5)Securing your WordPress website common attacks.

6)Improving your page loading times.

7)Creating new pages or updating existing pages.


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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Design And Customize Professional Business Wordpress Website


♥️ NOTE : Please don't place order without discussing requirements with me. ♥️

I am WordPress developer having ....

✔️ 8+ Years of experience

✔️ Completed 800+ Projects on Fiverr (1650+ projects overall)

✔️ On Time Delivery

✔️ 100% Job Success Rate

here are the list of services i provide related to Wordpress web development & design

🔹 Mobile friendly design 

🔹 Responsive & Pixel perfect layout

🔹 Customization

🔹 Content Upload

🔹 Migration, Restore, Backup, Clone

🔹 Speed Optimization

🔹 Malware removal

🔹 Improve Website Security

🔹 Error solving

Please have a detailed discussion with me before placing the order so that i can estimate time, cost & possibility of the job.


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Migrate Wordpress, Multisite Network, Clone, Backup, More


If you are new here or have custom requirements, please CONTACT ME first before placing an order.


Copy WordPress site (for example, setting up a staging site) within the same server. It includes copying from ONE domain/subdomain/subdirectory to another domain/subdomain/subdirectory on the same server.

*Applies to single WordPress sites only. WordPress Multisites are complex in nature and takes time. In case of late replies from the buyer, delivery may get delayed.


Copy or Move your WordPress Single site to a new server**.


Special package for moving entire WordPress Multisite Network to a new server**

(upto 10 GB / 5 subsites, no domain mapping is included in this gig, for domain mapping or big multisite, please contact me first)


If you want to import standalone WordPress Single site into existing Multisite Network or create a standalone WordPress site from a subsite of your Multisite Network.

**If you need any server setup assistance, like setting up a new VPS, please contact me for a custom gig.

If you have any questions or need any clarification or have custom requirements, please contact me before placing an ordering.


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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Perfectly Improve, Boost, Speed Up, Optimize, Wordpress Website Page Speed


Do you think your WordPress site is taking too long to load? Is the search ranking of your website being impacted as a result of slow loading times or other essential web elements? Do you want to make your WordPress site run faster? Don't worry, I'll not only speed up your WordPress site, but I'll also acquire the highest Page Speed insight score possible.


✔ Site-wise Browser Cache

✔ Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript

✔ Scale the Images according to the display size

✔ Enable GZip Compression

✔ Fix Render Blocking

✔ Lossless Image Optimization

✔ Database Optimization

✔ Cloudflare (CDN) Configuration

✔ WooCommerce Speed Optimization

✔ Remove Query String

✔ Add Expiry Header

✔ Update PHP Version

✔ Reduce Server load


✔ The site will be loads faster consistently with several Improvements

✔ 100 % satisfaction with an 24/7 quick response.

✔ Higher Google ranking

✔ low bounce rate

✔ Increase conversion rate

✔ Fast loading time


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Monday, October 10, 2022

Design Wordpress Website With Elementor Pro


Hi there,

Welcome to my service.

Are you looking for a great looking website that is easily changeable and easy to maintain? Then you are in the right place.

Elementor is one of the most popular builders. You can change texts, images, and other contents easily without having any coding skills, HTML or CSS knowledge.

I am a professional WordPress Developer and Elementor expert. I've over 4 years of experience in this field. I create pixel-perfect, responsive stunning WordPress websites with Elementor Pro.

My portfolios:

What you are getting from this GIG:

✔️ Convert, clone, or replicate any design from any source with Elementor Pro

✔️ Mobile and tablet friendly website design

✔️ Sign up or Contact us form

✔️ WordPress WooCommerce functionalities

✔️ SEO friendly WordPress website design

✔️ Speed optimized

✔️ Strong security

✔️ Free SSL certificate

✔️ Membership, booking System

✔️ Social media integration

✔️ Opt-In-Form, contact form

✔️ Live Chat and more

Why choose me:

☛ I am an experienced in Elementor

☛ High-Quality Work

☛ 100% client satisfaction

☛ Money-back guarantee

☛ 15 days of free support

Have any questions? Feel free to contact me.


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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Create Responsive Wordpress Website Design Or Wordpress Blog



I will develop a modern WordPress website design responsive web blog site for you or your business. I can develop a professional, Laptop, Tablet, and mobile responsive eye-catching & modern Shopify/Wix or WordPress website.

Why Chose Us?

✓ More than 6 years of experience

✓ Multiple Revisions (Without additional charges)

✓ Premium After Sales Support

✓ Easy and prompt communication.


Gig Includes:

  • Modern and Professional User Interface
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • SEO Optimized Structure
  • Social Media Integration
  • Powerful and User-Friendly Admin Panel
  • Speed & Security Optimization
  • Premium WordPress theme
  • Content upload
  • Free Stock Images
  • Mobile & Tablet responsive web site.


Let's get started! to

develop modern WordPress website design responsive web blog.


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