Saturday, April 22, 2023

Design Flatsome Theme Woocommerce Ecommerce Wordpress Website


Looking for a pro who can customize your Flatsome theme, Wocommerce, Ecommerce website using wordpress? Look no further!

I'm an experienced WordPress developer who can help you, with customizing your Flatsome theme or any woocommerce , wordpress theme, I'll help you create a unique and engaging design that will set your site apart from the competition or error fixation.

**Fast, 250+ Satisfied Clients, Expert Design with a Money Back Guarantee**

My services include:

  1. Installing and Customizing flatsome theme and woocommerce
  2. Full Website creation in Flatsome theme or any Wordpress theme.
  3. Identifying and Fixing any Errors or Bugs in your Theme or plugins.
  4. Installation and Configuration of all Required Plugins
  5. UX builder custom design in Flatsome theme
  6. Clone of any website in the Flatsome theme
  7. Woocommerce Custom functionality
  8. Cart Page Checkout page redesign and functions
  9. Faster Website Page Loading Speed 
  10. Multiple Revisions until you are 100% satisfied
  11. Speed Optimization using the premium plugin.

Why wait any longer?

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you'd like to get started.


Speed optimization using wp rocket (licensed) on premium package.


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Friday, April 21, 2023

Make A Modern Esports Website For You


I will develop an Esports website and customize the design to your liking. You can get your Twitch integrated and the Players/Teams details. Stats and Match schedules can also be added. It will have the full power of SportsPress that lets you add teams, Players, Stats, Results, Standings, Rankings, and more.

Here is what you get.

1- Modern design with Responsive layouts.

2- Layout matching your brand/Team/Concept

3- SportsPress features such as Game schedules, team pages, Player Portfolios, Player Stats, Results, Events, etc.

4- Videos Integration.

5- Mobile friendly.

6- Adsense friendly and Responsive.

7- Online support, Chat integration

8- NewsLetter /Subscription

You can add more features on demand. We would love to hear from you. Let's make it happen. Order now.

****Please discuss your order with me before ordering****


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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Create,Customize And Fix Your Wordpress Site


Looking for a professional website for your business OR blog/e-commerce store?

Look no further, you're at the right place. I am a professional full-stack web developer with extensive experience in WordPress. Since 2016 I have had 400+ happy clients and grown their business. so buy with confidence !!

I don't just import themes but I analyze your requirements and create a unique design from scratch as per the business niche

Why me:

  • Unlimited revisions.
  • Answer your questions even if the order is completed.
  • Client Satisfaction.

Services that you will get:

  • Responsive Design ( Mobile, Desktop, Tablet Compatible)
  • Unlimited Revisions to Meet Your Need
  • Professional WordPress Website
  • Setting up Payment Gateways as per requirements
  • User-Friendly Admin Panel
  • Contact Form, Google Analytics & Map (Standard & Premium Package)

I create sites almost in all niches. Let's discuss and create a stunning website for your business!

Please contact me before placing the order :)


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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Be Your Wordpress Theme Plugin Developer


Hello ! If you are looking for a WordPress expert then now you are in right place. I have a huge experience on WordPress . So i can easily handle your requirement.

#What you have to provide ?  

  • You have to describe your requirement clearly .Then you have to provide your domain(the name of your website in the internet) and hosting (the storage that store the data of your site in online).
  • If you want that i suggest you for buying domain and hosting obviously i'm doing that.
  • Or if you want that i will Buy your domain and hosting of course i will do that but for that you have to pay separately.

#Why i am all over the Developer ?

  •  Yes i'm your right developer because i have huge experience on WordPress. I am dedicated to satisfy my client request .
  • I will provide you unlimited revision.
  • If you not satisfied with my work i will always ready to give back your payment because customer satisfaction is my main priority. 

#What about themes ?

I will install free themes that your choose or my choose .

If you wanna use paid theme then you must pay for buy the theme separately.  


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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Build An Automated Amazon Affiliate Marketing Website


Contact Me Before Placing Order

Are you looking for an automated amazon affiliate website or marketing website? Then you are definitely in the right place.

My name is Elizabeth john. I am a professional in the amazon affiliate website. I am providing high-quality affiliate stores or websites to my clients. I am offering websites in different affiliate marketing like A.mazon, ClickBank, eBay, Walmart.

I have three years of experience in this field. I have Built more than 320 +  amazon affiliate autopilot stores for my different country clients in different marketing. I am also offering an affiliate autopilot store that will be completely automated.

My Services included:

  1. Will use premium theme and plugins
  2. Set-up autopilot functionality ( ON demand )
  3. Add products with special links
  4. Build SEO friendly and Mobile responsive
  5. Page speed improve
  6. 3-week free plugin update offering
  7. Autoblog set up
  8. Add video Section
  9. Brand Logo


  1.  Domain and hosting login
  2. Affiliate ID
  3. Theme and plugins (if required)

if you do have not all things then text I will guide you on how you can get this

Clickbank affiliate marketing


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Monday, April 17, 2023

Create Automated News Website Autoblog, Wordpress News Auto Blog


If you are looking for automated way to make extra passive income without any effort, My Gig will be your best choice, I will create an automated news website (AutoBlog).

How automated news website works?

Just Choose your preferred categories to publish news automatically, set back and relax I will setup a automated news website for you.

Key Features of Automated news / RSS Aggregator.

  • Auto posting niche targeted content
  • Auto text spinning
  • Auto sharing to social media
  • Submit feed to Google News
  • Google instant indexing API integration
  • Bing indexing API integration
  • Translating content language before posting

Premium news autoblog package more details:

  • Responsive wordpress website design auto blog
  • RSS Aggregator / RSS feed setup
  • Install SSL certificate
  • Free CDN setup
  • Google Search console setup
  • Bing Search console setup
  • News Sitemap submission
  • Google analytics setup
  • Ads place holders
  • Add legal / support pages
  • Speed optimized (GTmetrix & Google insights)
  • wordpress website Onpage SEO configuration
  • Rank math / Yoast SEO configuration

Bonus Premium package: 20 contextual / Web2.0 DA 50+ backlinks (offpage SEO)

Please feel free to contact me any time for Demos and queries.


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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Design A Complete Website


100% Done-For-You

Website+Branding+Content+Marketing Package

Stops Procrastinating. Start Seeing Result.

To Save Time and Money.

When you are running your own small business, you cannot afford to make the wrong first impression. But while you are taking the time to act as your businesses PR spokesperson, accountant, customer service representative, and more, we know your time is precious.

A website is a MUST for your business because it promotes your business 24/7

We want to help you build your website. Actually we want to do more than that. We want to offer you a 100% done-for-you, all in one solution with a Wordpress site, hosting for it, as well as content creation and marketing solutions.

Why Hire Me?

  • Fast Response Time on Revisions and Inquiry

  • Proven Track-Record with over 30K+ 5-Stars Positive Reviews

  • USA-Based Designer Serving the Fiverr community since 2011.

  • One of the top Branding Experts Recommended by Fiverr (

  • Time-Saving Streamlined Process

The process:

Please read the FAQ section for more information.

  • For advanced website, Real Estate, e-commerce website, please contact me before ordering
  • My goal is to help you save time and money!


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