Saturday, February 4, 2023

Develop Professional Responsive Wordpress Website Optimized Secure SEO Friendly


Hello, Welcome to my GIG


Before placing an order please contact me to discuss the project.


> Are you looking for a simple site?

> You are a business owner, Need a fully functional dynamic WordPress website for your business,

> You currently have a WordPress website that you want to redesign for better performance. 


I am here to help.

Me and my team are serving the IT industry for more than 9 years now. 300 plus satisfied customers from many different sectors we have covered.


With this gig you'll receive a WordPress website which will be:

> A well functional professional responsive WordPress website.

> Build for speed & SEO-friendliness.

> Multi-stage security and firewall in place, so that it can handle hacks and assaults. 

> An offline backup, cloud backup, and recovery strategy in place to minimize downtime.


I ensure that the design will be pixel perfect & all best practices will be implemented.


Additional service you will get with the Standard and Premium package is $30 to $100 worth of social media readiness.




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Friday, February 3, 2023

Make A Complete E Commerce Website


Are you planning to get a website that is Responsive across All Devices (Mobile, Desktop, Tabletand Browsers with Clean, Professional, Fast loading pages? No need to look any further.

I am passionate about my work and committed to providing A-class services, Always striving for best and updated with the changing trends in web development and designing.


✔ Custom Layout Designs that compliment your Business or Ecommerce website

✔ Responsive website Across all Devices & Browsers

✔ Unlimited revisions

✔ Search Engine friendly(Yoast SEO)

✔ Speed Optimization

 Premium Wordpress Themes and Plugins

✔ Total Control Over website (Easy to Manage)

✔ No Business Logo? No Worries, I will design a basic one

✔ Ecommerce Functionality (if Required)

✔ Attractive Slider and Free stock images

✔ 100% Cash Refund in case of un-satisfaction

✔ Support even after completion

✔ Content Upload

✔ Social Links

✔ Security and Backup

✔ Tutorial for making Editions or Changes later on your own


Log-in info for Cpanel/Hosting/Wp-admin

Content, logo

A reference site


5+ years of experience in the field

100% Client Satisfaction

Great in Communication


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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Build Wordpress Website Or Duplicate Rebuild Any Site


Please Contact me Before Placing Order!!

Welcome Here!!

Are you looking for a WordPress Expert! to build/duplicate/rebuild your WordPress site professionally.


You are here to duplicate clone your Figma, PSD, XD, Sketch, PNG or JPG etc. file into Responsive WordPress site( using WordPress Theme or using Any Page Builder) ?

Then, you are at Right place I'm here for you. I've 2+ year of experience designing and developing WordPress sites. I can help you to grow your business and make an online presence for you. Your satisfaction is my first priority. I will be working on your project with full dedication.

My Services:

Clean, Elegant & Responsive Design 

WordPress forms

Woo Commerce customization

Setup Desired Payment Gateway

Contact Forms & Call to actions

WordPress API

Social Link Integration of your business

Beautiful & Elegant Popups to attract visitors

Any Page Builder

Why me?

Full Duplicate/Clone/Copy

100% Responsive design for all devices like Mobile/Tablet.

100% Satisfaction

100% refund ( if not satisfied )

Feel free to shoot me a message!!

I would Like to hear from you even it's simply an idea

Thank you

Muhammad Danial


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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Responsive Wordpress Website Design Or Business Website



Are you looking for a responsive wordpress website design or business, blog, service, eCommerce, constructor, booking/appointment, real-state, company, hotel/restaurant, GYM, rental car, traveling, and personal portfolio website?

If yes, It's the right gig for you.

You'll get a unique and user-friendly design, SEO-friendly, fast loading, and awesome support. So let's get started...

Available Service:

Figma/XD/PSD to WordPress

Design/Re-design/Existing or new website design

Secured Website and User-friendly design

All devices responsive (desktop, tablet, mobile)

Premium themes and plugins

Payment Gateway integrations

Speed optimization

Contact form or Gravity form

SEO friendly design

WooCommerce functionality

Multi-Language add

Facebook pixel, and live chat integrations

Mailchimp integrations and many more...

Why Choose me?

  1. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  2. 3 months free support after complete the project
  3. I have a team So you can get fast delivery without errors

Note: Please contact me with your requirements before placing an order to avoid cancelation.


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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Create A Booking Website On Wordpress Or Add A Booking Method



If You want to add a Booking or Appointment system to your website, then you are in the right place. I will add booking and calendar on your website (e.g Doctor's Appointment System, Salon/Spa Services System, Hotel Booking System, Book Yoga/GYM Sessions, B&B Booking, Jet Ski Rental system, Boat Rental, Car and bike rental.

Link Your Airbnb, and calendar to your website and booking system. etc) 


>Awesome Booking system

>Hotel Booking System

>Property Rental System

>Saloon & Spa Booking System

>Jet Ski, Boat, Car, Bus, and Bike Rental System

>Modern Yet Elegant Website Design

>Responsive Design

>Content Upload

>Design Customization

>Plugin Integration

>Payment Gateway

>Bug/Error Free

>Easy Checkout

>Easy Cancellation

>Booking Manager

>Functional and Running Website at the End


High-Quality Work

My first priority is my client's satisfaction. 

# 100% client satisfaction

# Creative

# Imaginative

Let's discuss your project and get it up and running! :)


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Monday, January 30, 2023

Create Price Comparison Affiliate Website Using Content Egg


About This Gig

I will create a professional price comparison Affiliate website for Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, Admitad, eBay, Clickbank, CJ Affiliate, Rakuten, etc. Affiliate sites will help you to earn up to 10% commission for every order.  I have designed many Affiliate websites in the past 3 years and I have 4+ years of experience in WordPress. I will also help you in finding best selling products niche.

Here we are using a content egg plugin to make a price comparison Affiliate website. This plugin has a good rating on the market. 

Features that the Website will be included.

  • Speed Optimized
  • Premium SEO optimization
  • Responsive Design
  • WooCommerce Functionality
  • Content egg Pro Plugin
  • Required Plugins
  • Content Upload
  • Best selling Products
  • Adding in Google webmaster
  • Social Media Integration 
  • Adding in Google Analytics (So you can track live Visitors)
  • Best selling products
  • 90 days cookies
  • SSL Certificate

Why Should You Hire Me?

  • 100% Genuine and Unique Work.
  • Marketing Tips & Tricks.
  • 100% secured Website.
  • Niche Selection.
  • 100% Client Satisfaction.
  • Lifetime Support


Some Special Tips On Promoting Affiliate Links (100% Sales).


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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Provide Web Development Services


Hello, Welcome to my gig

Are you looking for a web developer to design and develop your website? If your answer is yes, then I welcome you and you are at the right place.

I am a professional web developer. I develop and design professional websites using my skills and techniques. I develop more than 80 websites with customer satisfaction. 

Here are some skills which I use to develop and design a professional and responsive website.

JavaScript, PHP, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Jquery, C#, BootStrap. 

My Offers

Unlimited Revisions

Fast Delivery

Responsive Design

Custom Code

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Clean Design

If you have any queries please feel free to message me.

I am waiting for your valuable order.




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