I am Khattakayy Level 1 seller having strong expertise in field of Cybersecurity!
Is your site acting wierdly and getting slower? Well you need to have a look it maybe hacked
Why do you need to protect your website?
Yes we increasing technology the hackers have got smart and so attacks are more common now! Whether its a code script attack or server drop
Why my site get attacked and what are they?
Stealing sensitive Data of your website user data,Vulnerable cheap Plugins and themes with manipulated hacked code,Brute Forcing and stealing Full Control,Injection attacks
So we need to take extra ordinary steps to improve security
Why you should invest in me?
My first priority is to help you achieve save your website! I am also a Cyber Security Expert and that enables me with knowledge to protect a clients website and make sure it remains intact for future
Some of Service i provide are following
- Penetration Testing/Scanning Web Applications
- Installing Firewalls and SSL Certificates
- Upgrading your plugins and themes
- Removal of Viruses
- Future Protection setup
I will also guide you how to prevent these attacks in future
Please Contact me before placing an order! Thanks
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