Monday, March 20, 2023

Create Your Wordpress Website Fast And Efficient For A Cheap Price


A website has the advantage of being accessible at any time, from any location. And it doesn't cost much compared to promotional tools.

I offer a quality website for a reasonable budget and I address a clientele motivated by its project, ready to invest in quality communication supports...

What do I offer?

=> Installing WordPress Last Update
=> Domain name configuration
=> General WordPress Configuration
=> SSL Intégration if you have one

=> Creation & Installing a Handmade Design validated with you (Handmade Création only in premium gig)

=> Installation of the most important Plugins + SEO Plugin

=> Optimized all page of your website

=> Create Pages ( Contact / About / Services / Blogs .. )
=> Create Menus

=> Link with Google Analytics / Google Search Console

=> Site indexing for "Google SEO" search engines

=> SEO HANDMADE 100% (Only in premium gig)

🎁  Offer : FREE CHAT-BOT Automatic with 50 conversations per month or Messenger Bot


: : : : :

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