Sunday, August 6, 2023

Do Speed Up Wordpress Website Optimization And Google Core Web Vitals



I am Suleman Full Stack WordPress Developer and SEO Expert having more than 5 Years of industry experience.

In this GIG, I will do WordPress Website Speed Optimization and Fix CORE WEB VITALS


Google announced Now CORE WEB VITALS are the Most Important Ranking factor from May 2021. I'll Fix Google pagespeed insights Core web vitals issues and will get you Green Score for

LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

FID (First Input Delay)

WordPress Website Speed Optimization

Web vitals Improvement

Google PageSpeed Insigts


Plugins recommendations

Cloudflare configuration

Images optimization

Mobile Speed

Eliminate render-blocking resources

Remove Unused CSS

Remove Unused JavaScript

Minify, JS, HTML and CSS

and Technical SEO Fixes as well which is required to fix the Google issues in Search Console ( Webmaster tools )

Feel free to contact me to get start work. I will respond in 1 hour!

100% Rating

Money back guarantee

100% buyer



: : : : :

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