Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Create An Adsense Authority Website On Any Niche


If you are looking for an Adsense authority website creation service on any niche, this Gig would be ideal.​

Why Authority Websites

  1. Satisfies the reader/visitor who wants to know all about the niche completely. ​
  2. Google loves authority websites and sees them as potentially informative sites.​
  3. Has a very good CTR conversion and Good CPC.​

What this gig offers

  1. You can come up with your niche or I can choose a perfect niche
  2. I will do keyword research and the report will be sent to you for confirmation.​
  3. Once we decide on the niche, I will recommend the domain name and it is your responsibility to buy domain and hosting.​
  4. Each article will be unique and informative (not spun), SEO optimized, interlinked with another article, and externally link to other authority sites.
  5. I will include HD images for each article from You can use these images for any other purpose.
  6. I will add a Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram page for social media sharing.​
  7. I will add all legal pages necessary for the Adsense approval
  8. I will provide an action plan and guide for your site to get ranked on Google.​

Sample niche site which is recently approved,


Seller's Response:

Brilliant work and co-operation. This will be a long term project. For those who are sceptical, expect to see a review every month, on it’s individuality. Overall experience Top Notch

Seller's Response:

Thank you for your support. Lets hope for the best results.

Seller's Response:

thx againthx again

Seller's Response:

thank you!!


Thank you for your support

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