Monday, June 27, 2022

Optimize Your Website For Gtmetrix And Google Insights Page Speed


Hi, what is the condition of your website? Is it taking too much time to load any page? Or Is your homepage very bad condition and losing your customer and visitor for slow loading? There is a super magical way to solve these problems. I will give you an audit report for free to know about your site condition and problems. 

I use three different tools and optimize your website for fast loading.

  1. GTMatrix Page Speed and Time minimization
  2. Google Insights Page Speed for Desktop, Laptop, iPad, and Mobile.
  3. tools.pingdom

After optimizing your website will be super fast 80 - 100% and loading time will be 1 - 6s.

No Matter! what kinds of websites you have. Is it PHP, Wordpress, Laravel, or Codeigniter? 

No problem, I will give you an energetic service. 

Do you know your site will speed up if you can do the following jobs? 

  1. HTML  Minify
  2. CSS Minify
  3. Javascript & Jquery Minify
  4. HTTP Request Optimize
  5. Image Compressed and Resizing
  6. Setting up image, css, jquey file expiry
  7. Enabling browser caching
  8. Enabling GZIP Compression
  9. Minimizing Redirection
  10. .htaccess file settings

Before Order, please send your website link so that I can give an audit report for free. 



Superb. Would recommend for anyone with speed issues. Went from a low score of 66% to 95%. I'm super happy.


My website was really slow, he was able to get the job done and get it fast enough. It took a lot of going back and forth to get the job done but, it was done and ithe website loads faster now.

: : :

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