Friday, December 9, 2022

Wordpress Website Speed Optimization, Increase Page Speed


Why do you need WordPress Speed Optimization:

As of 2019, website speed is one of the most important ranking factors in search engines, according to Google. If the page speed is slow, the user experience is compromised, and the site gets lower rankings and sales. So, you need WordPress Speed optimization to fix that.

Advantages of an Optimized WordPress website:

1. Better search engine rankings

2. Reduced Bounce rate

3. Enhanced User Experience

4. Significantly Faster Loading time

5. Huge boost in sales

My WordPress Website Speed Optimize Service includes:

· Images/Videos Scaling and Lossless compression

· Minification and combining of JS/CSS

· Reduction of Page Size

· Complete Database optimization

· Deferring JS

· Setup and configuration of CDN according to the needs of the website

· Bug fixes and other fixes related to speed

You will get a before and after report comparison. I will also provide some PRO tips that will help you keep the website speed amazing.

Looking forward to impressing You!

Kindly inbox me the site link before ordering. Orders without prior consultation can lead to cancellations. Also, kindly read the FAQ section beforehand to avoid miscommunication.


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